Exophthalmos Surgey


Exophthalmos or proptosis is defined as the protrusion of one or both orbits over the eyelid. This condition can be attributed to the existence of a pathological process that involves anatomical components of the orbit and it's adnexa Its onset can be acute or chronic. In almost all cases disthiroid exophthalmos is bilateral while the other can be monolateral or bilatreral depending by the primary disease. In Grave's orbitopathy it must be present the natural history of the dysthyroid orbitopathy that can be divided into an acute and chronic phase. From 2004 where involved in the a multidisciplinary approach and followed by the "Orbital Team" 74 patients affected by different orbitopathies. These patients underwent specialistic clinical visits and radiological exam such as endocrinology, orthoptic - ophthalmology, neuro radiological, maxillofacial and radiotherapy. The therapy of exophthalmos is vary variable and it depends by the disease that had caused it

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