
Additional Evidence on the Homogeneity of the Value of Government Grazing Leases and Changing Attributes for Ranch Values


Using Wyoming ranch sales from 1979-1983 and 1989-1993, this study investigates how ranch value determining attributes may have changed over this period. The 1979-1983 period is one of political stability and rising prices. In constrast, the 1989-1993 period is one of political uncertainty but stable prices. It is found, during 1989-1993, ranch prices were based more on productivity; whereas, during the earlier period, prices were based more on speculative potential. Also, it is found that government grazing leases were valued differently between time periods, ecological regions, and types of leases. This suggests that the current single-price grazing fee commonly used misprices many leases. Because of the heterogeneity in the value of grazing leases, we recommend a variable-fee form of pricing be adopted.

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