Transvaginal sonographic evaluation of endometrial polyps: A comparison with two dimensional and three dimensional contrast sonography


Endometrial polyps are a frequent cause of menorrhagia and are often associated with infertility. Routine transvaginal (TV) ultrasound evaluation may detect intrauterine anomalies. Sonographic evaluation of the endometrium after uterine cavity distention, called hystero-sono-salpingography (HSSG), improves the resolutive effectiveness of TV sonography. Recently the development of three-dimensional (3D) scanning of the uterine cavity has provided accurate images. The purpose of this study was to compare conventional 2D and 3D scanning of the uterine cavity with or without saline contrast medium in the detection and evaluation of focal endometrial polyps. Twenty-three patients out of 642 women suggestive for intrauterine anomalies at routine TV sonogram were examined by 2D and 3D sonography before and after intrauterine saline contrast medium. Sonographic appearance was verified by hysteroscopic and histologic evaluation. Two-dimensional TV sonography diagnosed 23 polyps versus 16 confirmed at hysteroscopic and histologic examinations, revealing a specificity of 69.5%; 2D TV HSSG diagnosed 17 polyps, with a specificity of 94.1%; 3D TV sonography diagnosed 18 polyps, with a specificity of 88.8%; 3D HSSG diagnosed 16 polyps according to hysteroscopic and histologic findings, with a specificity of 100%. HSSG has been demonstrated to be an effective and suitable method in the detection of intrauterine anomalies, particularly with 3D sonography

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