
Ретроспектива розвитку бальної хореографії (Retrospective of the development of ballroom dance choreoggraphy)


В статті розглядається процес розвитку бальної хореографії. Розкривається місце танцю в житті народу різних часів. (The article considers ballroom dance choreography as a kind of art of dancing, which is actively developing at the present stage. The specificity of ballroom dance choreography is manifested not only in the integration of cultural, aesthetic, artistic and sporting activities, as a combin ation of elements of sport and art, but also in the integrated approach to the education of individual and formation of a creative cultural environment. The cognition of the historical roots of dance contributes to the formation of educational principles of an individual. Because the cultural heritage bearer of people is a historical and cultural factor. Getting acquainted with history of dance, a modern person is able to study everyday life and culture, customs, traditions of people of the past epochs. The article examines views of Lucian, Plato, Pythagoras, and Socrates on the influence of dance on the comprehensive development of personality. It is established the place of ballroom dance choreography in human life in different epochs. It is noted that since September 1997 the ballroom dance choreography in the structure of dance sport has been fully recognized by the International Olympic Committee. Since then ballroom dance choreography becomes not only art, but also sport.

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