
Листи-зізнання у британському та українському електронному публіцистичному медіа-середовищі (The Letters of Confession in the British and Ukrainian Publicist Mass Media Spасе)


Стаття присвячена дослідженню британських та українських листів-зізнань у межах етнічного публіцистичного медіа-простору. Встановлено ізоморфні та аломорфні риси їх структурного, змістового та функціонального аспектів. (The article is devoted to the study of British and Ukrainian letters of confession in the ethnic publicist mass media space. The letters of confession compose separate rubrics in British and Ukrainian newspapers and journals or can be directly published in such columns as «Letters to the editor» / «Листи наших читачів». On the one hand, a letter of confession is a private list with some fragment of personal or intimate life revealed by a person but meant for public review. On the other hand, such a list does not necessarily pressupose an editor’s answer: the dialogue is established between the author of the letter and potential target audience. The reaction of the latter to the article as a possible but unknown discussion or a desire to publish their own life story (tragic, funny or instructive) presents a specific and unexpected replica as an anwer. The allomorphic feature of the British editions is an active, namely profitable for potential authors, encouragement for writing such letters. The isomorphic dialogical model of such a correspondence has got the following form: a rubrica request by the editor – a list of confession – [(a possible though not necessary) editor’s letter in answer].

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