La periaortite cronica


The autbors, O the basis of a retrospective analysis of a series oJ 13 cases oJ chronic periaortitis, after a review of the literature about the subject, discuss about the most recent theories about pathogenesis, pathological anatomy, diagnosis and treatment of this condition. At first the authors stress the importance oJ adopting the term chronic periaortitis to describe any idiopathic fibrotic retroperitoneal process, as a consequence oJ the well established relationship between the atherosclerotic abdominal aorta an the development oJ this condition. Histological, immunehistochemical and immunological studies, consented to clariJj the pathogenesis o the lesion. CT or MRl currently makes the diagnosis but histological confirmation is desiderable. Surgical therapy plays still a fondamental role in the management oJ. chronic periaortitis, but the use oJ immunosuppressive d~ugs is to be considered extremely promising

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