The evolution of estroprogestative contraception: Analysis on the reduction or suppression of side-effects


The advances achieved by scientific research about contraception estroprogestinic contraception have lead to a better knowledgeof the risk factors connected to the use of oral contraceptives (O.C.) and trough the years, the change of their hormonal components dosesand of the type of progestin. These advances, together with the selection and monitoring of the patients who can use the pill have been accompanied by an evolution of its riskk. O.C. risks basically include neoplastic, cardiovascular, metabolic, and reproductive risks. This article presents a review of the most important studies conducted about such possible relations. The Authors conclude that the progress achieved in the hotmonal contraception has allowed to reduce greatly and, in some cases, to annul its risks. therefore, proper information is needed to explain that the pill, administered under medical control, is a safe drug and that many fears for its uses are no more justified

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