Thymomas: a review.


Thymomas are neoplasma of thymic epithelial cells. They may be benign or malignant and may associate with locai ìnvasiveness and paraneoplastic diseases. Myasthenia gravis is often associated with thymomas, bui this is not thè rule. Several classifications have been proposed: some of them follow thè histopathological findings (Rosai and Levine, Snover, Marino and Muller- Hermelink classification), other emphasizes thè clinic-pathological stage (Masaoka, Verley and Hollmann stadiation). One third of thymomas is asymptomatic. Diagnosis is made often by plain X-ray and confirmed by Computed Tomography or fine needle biopsy. Surgery is effective in 100% of noninvasive cases and in 58% of invasive ones. Radio and chemotherapy are recommended only in advanced or inoperable stages

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