Lymphectomy in the treatment of thyroid cancer in adults and children.


Thyroid carcinoma is thè most frequent endocrine malignancy in Italy and differs in naturai history according to histological type and age of patients. Lymph node metastases are more frequently seen in young patients with papillary carcinoma. However, many clinical series suggested that although thè incidence of lymph node invasion in high-risk patients (over-50s) is slightiy lower than in low-risk patients, thè locai recurrence rate is higher than in thè former. From thè results of our experience, confirmed by other authors, we retain total thyroidectomy with lymphectomy of thè centrai compartment as thè procedure of choice in thè treatment of well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma in thè under-50s. In thè over-50s, functional bilateral lymphectomy improves survival and should be considered mandatory, just as for medullary carcinoma. On thè contrary, thè prognosis of anaplastic carcinoma is not improved by lymphectomy

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