Red cell folate in elderly patients with myelodysplastic syndrome


During a 7-month period a prospective study of 71 anaemic patients (29 males and 42 females) over the age of 50 was undertaken in order to identify patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). The mean values of mean corpuscular volume (MCV), serum ferritin, folate, vitamin B12 and red cell folate (RCF) of patients grouped according to the diagnosis were compared to those observed in age-matched blood donors. Forty-four of the 71 elderly patients showed macrocytic anaemia: 21 of them had gastric disease and the remaining 23 MDS. Two further patients with MDS showed microcytic anaemia. The 25 patients diagnosed with MDS were subclassified according to the FAB nomenclature: 9 had a refractory anaemia with excess of blasts and 16 refractory anaemia. The mean values of MCV, serum folate, ferritin, vitamin B-12 and RCF were statistically different between patients with macrocytic anaemia due to gastric disease and patients with MDS. Among patients with MDS, the RCF level pathologically high was inversely correlated to the haemoglobin level (r=-0.39; p <0.05). Thus the RCF and serum folate may represent useful parameters for the diagnosis of MDS in elderly anaemic patients

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