Un approccio innovativo al testing psicopatologico: Taleia. parte II: attendibilità e validità del test


Studies reliability and validity of TALEIA (Test for AxiaL Evaluation and Interview for Clinical, Personnel, and Guidance Applications). Retest (N = 123, one-weak interval) shows average r = 0.83, and correlations between parallel forms (N = 139) average to r = 0.74. An ACP (N = 280) on TALEIA, 16 PF, and PNP shows a four factors structure explaining 53% of the total variance, the first factor having psychopathological content and the others showing continuity between normal personality traits and clinical or personality disorders. A sample of «certified pathological» (N = 436), «certified normals» (N = 773 males), and two samples of «non-certified normals» (N = 386 draftees and N = 156 male students asking for school guidance) were compared. The MANOVA results were significant (p < 0.001), and post-hoc analyses (HSD test corrected for different size) showed significant differences related both to clinical status (pathologicals vs. normals) and to different situations (guidance and military draft). These results seem to allow a professional use of TALEIA, if different parameters for different applications are provided

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