AlphaScope vs lens-based hysteroscope for office polypectomy without anesthesia: randomized controlled study.


In this randomized controlled study, effectiveness, operative time, and acceptability of endometrial polypectomy were compared using an AlphaScope vs an office operative lens-based hysteroscope (LBH). One hundred fifty women with a diagnosis of endometrial polyp were operated on using an AlphaScope or LBH in the office setting. In 73 procedures using the AlphaScope (97.3%) and 68 using the LBH (90.7%), the polyp was successfully removed completely. In the AlphaScope group, 2 procedures were incomplete because of excessive endometrial mucosa thickness. In the LBH group, 3 procedures were incomplete because of difficulty in management of a large polyp, and 4 procedures were stopped because of patient pain and low compliance. Time to completion of the procedure and complete removal of the polyp was significantly shorter in the AlphaScope group than in the LBH group (p < .05). Similarly, the pain score at the end of the procedure was significantly lower in the AlphaScope group than in the LBH group (p < .05). The AlphaScope is an effective operative hysteroscope that increases the possibility of performing endometrial polypectomy in the office setting without anesthesia and improves the indications for and acceptability of office hysteroscopy

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