The bERLinPro project [1], under construction at HZB, is a 100 mA, 50 MeV superconducting RF SRF energy recovery linac ERL being built to study the accelerator technology and physics of operating a high current SRF ERL. For this high current operation, coaxial RF power couplers capable of handling 115 kW of power per coupler, dual couplers per cavity , continuous wave cw at 1.3 GHz are required for both the SRF photo injector and booster cavities. In order to sustain this power level a coupler has been designed based on the high power coupler currently in use at the KEK cERL. Two key changes that were made to the coupler were the modification of the coupler tip, termed a golf tee, as well as increased cooling of the inner conductor. This former modification is incorporated so as to achieve the desired coupling, Qext 105, with minimal coupler penetration into the beam pipe. Herein, we discuss the RF design and properties of the high power coaxial coupler for the photo injector as well as booster cavities of bERLinPro, along with the design of the test stand for conditioning a pair of coupler