
Am and pm noise analysis in quartz crystal oscillators: symbolic calculus approach


International audienceIncreasing performance of quartz crystal oscillators as well as predictability requirements when developing the devices need accurate analysis of noise sources. Our work is devoted to understand how an oscillator reacts to additive noise of an element in the electronic circuit. Up to now, oscillator designers often refer to the well-known Leeson's model to explain the shape of phase noise spectral density. This physical model only allows one to obtain the global phase noise spectrum. By considering each noise source individually, we can obtain the comparative contribution of the sources. Then AM and PM noise source spectra can be related to the circuit architecture. The influence of an individual noise source can be obtained from the differential equation describing the oscillator behavior. Nevertheless, setup of the differential equation from the inspection of the circuit involves lengthy and tedious algebraic calculations almost impossible to achieve by hand. By using symbolic calculation capability of formal calculus programs, it is possible to automatically derive the differential equation of the oscillator including noise sources from a SPICE netlist description of the circuit. The resulting expressions can be edited under the form of high level language code (Fortran, C, ...) which is eventually compiled and linked with the numerical programs calculating the noise spectra. This paper presents the method to construct the differential equations in a fully automatic way regardless of the studied oscillator circuit

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