
Dessert freddi: criteri per la loro classificazione [Cold dessert: criteria for their classification]


The expression “cold desserts” names a heterogeneous group of sweet products, which includes gelati, ice cream, pudding, mousse and more. The present work develop an inventory of all the sweet products falling under the definition of “cold desserts”. To reach this aim, several databases (Mintel GNPD), pastry’s books, industrial, as well as artisanal, products are going to be consulted. Moreover, the research has the objective to advance a rational organization of the sweet products comprised by the “cold dessert”’s definition. Thanks to such a logical organization, it will be possible to develop homogenous groupings of products, according to their characteristics. The variables with the greatest discriminating and grouping power employed in this research are: the product’s temperature of consumption, its structure, and the modalities through which it incorporates the air. The main difference between industrial and artisanal gelato is indeed in the modalities through which the air is incorporated in the products and in their consequently different rheological properties

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