
Observation of different charge transport regimes and large magnetoresistance in graphene oxide layers


We report a systematic study on charge transport properties of thermally reduced graphene oxide (rGO) layers, from room temperature to 2 K and in presence of magnetic fields up to 7 T. The most conductive rGO sheets follow different transport regimes: at room temperature they show an Arrhenius-like behavior. At lower temperature they exhibits a thermally activated behavior with resistance R following a R = R0exp(T0/T)p law with p = 1/3, consistently with 2D Mott Variable Range Hopping (VRH) transport mechanism. Below a given temperature Tc, we observe a crossover from VHR to another regime, probably due to a shortening of the characteristic lengths of the disordered 2D system. The temperature Tc depends on the reduction grade of the rGO. Magnetoresistance DR/R of our rGO films shows as well a crossover between positive and negative and below liquid He temperature DR/R reaches values larger than 60%, surprisingly high for a \u2013 nominally \u2013 non magnetic material

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