Sediment dispersion and coastal evolution between Cape Spulico and Taranto during the Quaternary


Beyond the present beach, 7 subsequent paleo-beaches terraced at various levels as far as more than 300 m towards the edge of the Apennines chain are recognizable. The present longshore drift, chiefly bound to the action of the winds from S and SE, moves the deposits from Capo Spulico and from Punta Rondinella toward the coast between the rivers Lenne and Patemisco. The longshore drift had the same trend in all the highest paleo-beaches, always keeping the same convergence zone between the rivers Lenne and Patemisco. The 'apenninic' extremity of each of the seven marine terraces has been uplifted with respect to the opposite extremity leant against the Apulia calcareous massif. - from English summar

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