Il volume raccoglie, attraverso saggi e interviste ai principali protagonisti della rinascita architettonica romana, una ampia documentazione su programmi, progetti, trasformazioni in corso nella città di Roma.
Il capitolo “il parco della Musica e dell’Architettura” descrive le grandi trasformazioni in atto nel quartiere Flaminio (il nuovo Auditorium di Renzo Piano, il MAXXI, Centro delle Arti Contemporanee ma anche il più generale Progetto Urbano e i programmi per la riqualificazione degli spazi pubblici.The volume covers an extensive series of documents on the programs, projects and transformations that are being carried out in the city of Rome. In fact, it contains essays and the interviews that were conducted with the main actors of the Roman architectural revival. The chapter called "the park of Music and Architecture" describes the great transformations that are being developed in the Flaminio district (the new Auditorium of Renzo Piano, the MAXXI, the Center of Contemporary Art, the most general Urban Project and even the requalification programs that were developed for the public spaces).
For a decade, from 1995 to 2005, this district was object of an extensive series of studies, programs and projects: both in terms of transformation and urban requalification. The new architectural works, the new cultural areas and the new infrastructures were achieved within the urban project that was coordinated by Francesco Ghio