Identical utilization of T-cell receptor gene regions in B-lymphoid blast crisis of chronic myeloid leukemia and B-precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia


The configuration of the T-cell receptor (TCR) beta, gamma and delta chain genes was analyzed in 16 cases of B-lymphoid blastic crisis of chronic myeloid leukemia (BC-CML) for a better definition of the biological aspects of this cellular population, in comparison with the molecular features of B-precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). All cases displayed B-phenotypic features, were Ph'-positive and had a rearranged configuration of the breakpoint cluster region (bcr) and of the immunoglobulin heavy chain gene region (JH). The TCR beta chain gene was rearranged in four cases (25%), all of which displayed a monoallelic rearrangement involving the J beta 2 region. The TCR gamma chain gene was rearranged in 13 cases (81%); 13 rearranged alleles utilized the J1/2 regions, while the remaining five utilized JP1. The V regions of the group I were mostly involved. The TCR delta chain gene was rearranged or deleted in 15 cases (94%); the 10 rearranged chromosomes displayed exclusively two patterns referable to partial recombinations, a V2-(D)-D3 and a (D)-D3 type. These two configurations are predominant in B-precursor ALL (75% of rearranged chromosomes) and almost absent in T-ALL. Taken together, these results document the close similarities between the genotypic features of B-lymphoid BC-CML and B-precursor ALL, not only in terms of the incidence of rearrangement but more relevantly with regard to the choice of regions involved in the recombinations. This aspect is particularly evident at the TCR delta locus level

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