At the SPARC LAB facility of INFN-LNF we are installing
two transport lines for ultra-short electron bunches
and an ultra-intense laser pulses, generated by the SPARC
photo-injector and by the FLAME laser in a synchronized
fashion at the tens of fs level, to co-propagate inside a hydrogen
filled glass capillary, in order to perform acceleration
of the electron bunch by a plasma wave driven by the
laser pulse. The main aim of this experiment is to demonstrate
that a high brightness electron beam can be accelerated
by a plasma wave without any significant degradation
of its quality. A 10 pC electron bunch, 10 fs long is produced
by SPARC and transported to injection into the capillary,
which is 100 micron wide, at a gas density around
1017cm−3. The laser pulse, 25 fs long, focused down to
65 microns into the capillary is injected ahead of the bunch,
drives a weakly non-linear plasma wave with wavelength of
about 130 microns. A proper phasing of the two pulses allows
acceleration of electrons from the injection energy of
150 MeV up to about 570 MeV for a 8 cm long capillary.
Installation of the beam lines is foreseen by the end of 2012
and first tests starting in mid 201