Repeated exposure to endodontic irrigants: in vivo cutaneous irritation tests


Aim.the aim of this study was to evaluate cutaneous irritation after repeated exposure to three endodontic irrigants: Niclor5, Tubuliclean and cloreximid, saline solution was used as negative control. Methods. Four 0.5ml doses of each solution and the control were applied, with 1h intervals between applications, to the cutaneous tissue of two rabbits. the application sites were inspected 1h, 24h, 48h and 72h after the last application. Resukts. Cutaneous irritation was found to be moderate-severe after exposure to Niclor 5, mild after exposure to Tubuliclean, and absent after exposure to cloreximid and saline solution. Conclusions. Caution should be excercised when using Niclor5 as an irrigant solution, particularly in susceptible patients

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