
STeMA: new methodologial rules in order to measure the sustainable territorial development


In order to obtain a territorial sustainable vision of development, we need to perform a planning act and relative governance’ rules. It means to build a ‘machine’ or a ‘process’ which produces Territorial Impact Assessment (TIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) at different geographical scales. In a territorial dimension this could be used to assess the current and future regional or local capability to be competitive in sustainability (Prezioso, 2006, 2007). The following process has been standardized on a specific methodological approach, Sustainable Territorial Environmental/Economic Management Approach - STeMA , and transformed into logical passages (steps), so to be applied at national (macro), regional (meso) and sub-regional (micro) scales. It is useful to clearly list some axioms explaining why STeMA is the best approach to analyse the “competitiveness in sustainability”, making this procedure smoother and more user-friendly. At the moment, this contribution is a voluntary and pro-active choice; its implications and responsibilities are evident from a political-administrative point of view. In fact, STeMA could assist policy makers in choosing appropriate regional policies, assessing these choices ex ante

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