
Regional territorial cohesion: what indicators for an EU sustainable perspective?


Research on territorial cohesion indicators detects and describes a set of territorial cohesion indicators to be applied in the new programming period 2007-2013. The main aim of the research is to enhance territorial cohesion through the improvement of indicators fit to evaluate and measure the different levels of cohesion at local, national and European level. Thus, the methodological approach has to describe, analyse and detect a set of territorial cohesion indicators and to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the indicators’ systems currently used to measure territorial cohesion. This kind of approach is relevant both to current and new Structural Funds programming period. Moreover, the study proposes a methodological approach to implement an effective management system for the 2007-13 Programmes (STeMA). Sound and efficient indicators’ systems are crucial for monitoring and evaluating Structural Funds Programmes and projects. The 2000-2006 programming period produced a good progress in the quality of such systems which contribute to a more effective Programme management. The current monitoring systems contain inadequacies and the indicator sets can be further developed. In line with the strategic character of the 2007-2013 programming period, more attention must be paid to strengthening the link between Structural Funds Programmes and the Lisbon and Gothenburg Strategy. This paper provides an overview of the indicators’ systems currently used, while featuring also a practical guide to implement an indicators’ system suitable to evaluating territorial cohesion in the new programming period. After a description of the territorial cohesion concept and an in-depth overview of the new programming period objectives, the study analyses the main cohesion indicators used at European level and their effectiveness in monitoring activities. Some indicator systems analysed are: - the 27 indicators concerning employment, innovation and research, economical reforms and social cohesion - the 42 indicators, that are considered more flexible than the previous ones- the 14 indicators, chosen among the 42 indicators because of their relevance - EUROSTAT regional indicators - ESPON 3.3 project indicators. In the framework of Lisbon Strategy for a sustainable economic growth, the key challenge to strengthen territorial cohesion implies the improvement of EU regions’ territorial “capital” and potentials. The enhancement of territorial integration is achieved through the promotion of trans-European synergies and clusters of competitive and innovative activities. The use of a sound and effective system to manage territorial cohesion Programmes is crucial to promote Lisbon and Gothenburg objectives. Within this context the use of adequate tools, such as indicators, is pivotal to measure, monitor and evaluate the Programmes’ impact, result and output. According to the results of the indicator systems analysis, the most effective methodology to measure cohesion levels is the STeMA (Sustainable Territorial environmental/economic Management Approach), used also in ESPON 3.3 project “Territorial Dimension of the Lisbon/Gothenburg Strategy”. This approach pays particular attention to territoriality, economy, employment and the socio-pedagogical sector of intervention. The STeMA process is a multi-disciplinary management system used to calculate territorial capability with regard to competitiveness, sustainability and cohesion. Its standardised methodological approach can be applied at national, regional and sub-regional level by using a dedicated GIS tool. The main cohesion indicators are drawn from ESPON research and aggregated through a qualitative and interactive matrix

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