
Study of archaeological samples via neutron techniques


The discovery of ancient artefacts and artworks usually raises a variety of questions such as the correct determination of their historical and cultural timeframe, the place and method of production, the choice of treatments and conditions for restoration and preservation. In the field of archaeometry, new perspectives are opened up by the use of neutron techniques. Results on a selection of archaeological samples, Etruscan bronzes coming from the Museo Nazionale di Villa Giulia and Roman marbles from Villa Adriana (Tivoli, Rome), are presented. ANCIENT CHARM project aims to develop a quantitative 3D imaging technique. This work presents some of results on a series of experimental investigation performed on test samples called “Black Boxes”. Elements’ and compounds’ identification on the internal features of the boxes are obtained by the combined use of different neutron analysis methods. The presented studies successfully showed the high potential of neutron techniques in the study of ancient archaeological artefacts

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