Phosphated and sulfated marine polyhydroxylated steroids from the starfish Tremaster novaecaledoniae


Beside tremasterols A-C, the first phosphated steroid glycosides to be found from a natural source, the starfish Tremaster novaecaledoniae contains nine more novel steroid constituents. One, is related to the previous tremasterols by having the same 6-O-phosphated function. A second group of 4 compds. possesses the same 3,6-disulfated 3β,6α-(22R)-trihydroxycholestane structure, differing by the presence of the Δ9(11) double bond in 2 compds. and by the acetate conjugation of the 22-hydroxyl group in the 2 other compds. The remaining 4 compds. are highly hydroxylated steroids, including one that features the cis A/B ring junction, never encountered before among steroids derived from starfishes

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