Cyclic response of reinforced concrete composites columns strengthened in the plastic hinge region by HPFRC mortar


The brittleness of concrete raises several concerns due to the lack of strength and ductility in the plastic hinge region of reinforced concrete columns. In this study, in order to improve the seismic strength and performance of reinforced concrete columns, a new method of seismic strengthened reinforced concrete composite columns was attempted by applying High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cementitious composites (HPFRCs) instead of concrete locally in the plastic hinge region of the column. HPFRC has high-ductile tensile strains about 2–5% with sustaining the tensile stress after cracking and develops multiple micro-cracking behaviors. A series of column tests under cyclic lateral load combined with a constant axial load was carried out. Three specimens of reinforced concrete composite cantilever columns by applying the HPFRC instead of concrete locally in the column plastic hinge zone and one of a conventional reinforced concrete column were designed and manufactured. From the experiments, it was known that the developed HPFRC applied reinforced concrete columns not only improved cyclic lateral load and deformation capacities but also minimized bending and shear cracks in the flexural critical region of the reinforced concrete column

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