Spatio-temporal patterns of juveniles in EU Purse sein fleet catch targetting tropical tunas over the period 1990-2019


The knowledge of the juvenile distribution in fisheries is essential to better manage the fishing effort on a stock. The exploration of a large dataset which covers 30 years of the purse seine fishery sampling enabled to study the spatio-temporal dynamic of the juvenile catches of the yellowfin and bigeye tunas. Results showed the existence of several areas of prime importance in terms of catch and concentration in juveniles with seasonal variations. Thus, the south of the fishing ground (Cape Lopez) was fished during winter month and the north during summer months (Cape Verde, Senegal y Mauritania). Offshore coastal zone and Gulf of Guinea were fished almost all along the year. This seasonal pattern is quite stable since the 90s but the proportion of juveniles in schools associated with floating objects tended to increase in both species. This preliminary study opened the way for further research on this important component of the fish stocks.Versión del edito

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