
Academic entrepreneurship : a source of competitive advantage


This�report is the result of a cooperation between�EIM,�Erasmus University�and Indiana University. The study has largely been executed by students of�the assocation�'Le Manageur'�under supervision of�the above institutions. The study evaluates university�spin-offs�in the transfer of� technology from universities into society and provides a comparative case study of spin-off� stimulation. The study concludes that governments that would like to tackle�problems in�knowledge transfer between firms and public institutions should�encourage knowledge institutions to adopt a more proactive stance towards commercialization and cooperation. Stimulating an entrepreneurial spirit and knowledge spin-offs in public research and educational institutions�can help overcome many of the problems in knowledge transfer. This research shows that spin-offs�are�a good supplement to existing transfer mechanisms such as�licensing and contract research. University spin-offs�are a good way to transfer�radical and incremental technologies�to society.�This form of technology transfer does require a strong supporting infrastructure and sufficient entrepreneurial human capital.

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