
Family Orientation, Strategic Orientation and Innovation Performance in SMEs: A Test of Lagged Effects


Past research suggests a negative effect of family orientation on innovation performance. However, many past studies have certain limitations that this study is designed to overcome. In particular,this study estimates lagged effects of family orientation on innovation performance while controlling for organization context variables and the mediating effect of strategic orientation. It also uses a multidimensional approach to measure family orientation while testing for common method bias. This study makes use of a sample of 343 Dutch small and medium size firms. Innovation performance, being the dependent variable, was collected in 2005. All independent variables, i.e. strategy, family orientation and context variables, are collected in previous time periods, with lags ranging between 3 and 4 years. Family orientation is measured according to five independent dimensions including family power, family culture,overlap of ownership and management and intentions to keep the firm in the family.

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