
Las secciones de crédito en el ordenamiento jurídico español


A credit section is an economic and functional demarcation within a co-operative that, without having an independent juridical personality out of the co-operative it belongs, operates as a financial entity, limiting its active and passive operations to the co-operative and its members. The credit sections are recognized by all the autonomical co-operative laws and they have been especially regulated in Catalonia and the Valencian Community. The regulation contained in the Ley de Cooperativas 27/1999 (Law of Co-operatives 27/1999) clearly restricts the subjective and objective field of activity of the credit sections, but it does not limit the action sphere of co-operatives governed by the autonomical legislation. The main problem raised by the credit sections derives from its lack of juridical personality and not from the fact that they are not considered as credit entities.Co-operatives, credit sections, co-operative credit, legislation.

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