
El cooperativismo en Paraguay: especial referencia a las cooperativas de producción


The aim of this paper is to study the evolution of Paraguayan cooperativism, its current situation, the legal framework in which it is developed, its geographic distribution and the role of production co-operative societies. At present, the co-operative sector accomplishes an outstanding task in the national socio-economic field. In 1997, this sector contributed to the Gross National Product at around 14%, besides canalizing about 30% of population savings. These figures show its importance and the opportunity of its study. The pioneer co-operative societies, of agribusiness character, were set up in the 1940s and formed by immigrant groups with previous experience in this type of associationism. However, since 1989 the real increase of co-operative societies number has taken place, mainly in financial and production sectors. In the decade of 90s, financial co-operative societies have shown an unprecedented rise in the number of members, grouping now nearly 60% of the whole co-operative membership in the country, in comparison with almost 36% corresponding to production co-operatives. With regard to the number of companies, between 1982 and 1995 the setting up of financial co-operative societies was multiplied by five, whereas the production ones have increased nine times in the same period. Around 57% and 24% of the whole number of co-operatives are of the latter and former group mentioned, respectively. With regard to the number of companies, between 1982 and 1995 the setting up of financial co-operative societies was multiplied by five, whereas the production ones have increased nine times in the same period. Around 57% and 24% of the whole number of co-operatives are of the latter and former group mentioned, respectively.Cooperativism, Paraguay, Social Economy.

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