Notulae Oribatologicae LIX. Taxonomy and biogeography of the genus Steganacarus Ewing 1917 (Acari Oribatida) in Italy


The Italian species of the genus Steganacarus are revised on the basis of recent research. Three new species are described, Steganacarus (Steganacarus) donatoi, S.(S.) manganellii and S. (Tropacarus) malatestai. The first is characterized, among the Italian steganacarid species, by a deep hole in the corner of the genito-aggenital plates, the second by a globular sensillus head and the third by tuberculated notogastral microsculpture. The Italian steganacarid species described now number 14, a great many in comparison to other Mediterranean countries. The revision allowed to the authors to identify the best diagnostic character-states for future revision of the genus. The ecological and biogeographic characterization of the species examined, moreover, clarified the contribution of the various faunistic waves (the ancient autochthonous, the Messinian and the Plio-Pleistocene) to Italian steganacarid fauna

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