Interhemispheric transfer of visual information in humans: the role of different callosal channels.


We have assessed the interhemispheric transmission time (IHTT) by electrophysiological means in normal subjects performing a visuomotor reaction time task. We subtracted the latency of ERP components (P1 and N1) evoked by lateralized visual stimuli presented to the ipsilateral hemifield (indirect-callosal pathway) from the latency of the same components evoked by stimulation of the contralateral hemifield (direct pathway). Estimates of IHTT ranged between 5.77 msec and 12.54 depending upon the type of component and the location of the electrode sites. More anterior locations yielded shorter values of IHTT, and overall IHTT tended to be 7 msec shorter for the N1 component than for the P1 component. Moreover, there was an asymmetric IHTT for N1 in central sites with shorter latencies in the direction right-to-left hemisphere than in the opposite direction. Taken together, these results are in keeping with the idea that interhemispheric transfer of visuomotor information does not occur at the level of the primary visual areas but at more anterior cortical areas. The shorter IHTT for the N1 component suggests the involvement of the callosal connections between the inferotemporal areas of the two hemispheres

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