Indoor Air Quality in Housing: a more exhaustive interpretation of the issue


The design of housing constructions gives high attention to the sustainability features in terms of low impact on the natural environment. Not only outdoor, but also indoor environmental quality has a great importance and this paper aims to examine the parameters that define and assess its value. Several building sustainability evaluation methods are available, but an international legislation that describes some fundamental tools has not yet been developed. A certain number of these concerns the indoor air quality. The monitoring of pollutants entering a building from the outside is usually recommended. On the contrary, harmful substances emitted by structure, finishes and furniture is rarely considered. The comparison of the main building sustainability assessment methods shows how indoor air quality is evaluated by means of different parameters. This paper re-considers these elements (and more specific ones) through the organization of the indicators under three categories of analysis that classify the pollutants according to their origin: from the building structure, from the finishes and from the furniture. This way of interpreting the indoor air quality issue may contribute to the creation of a more exhaustive description of its sustainability indicators and may help the designer with the creation of a high quality building

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