
Dome-building volcanic activity in the Oas-Gutai Neogene Volcanic Area, Eastern Carpathians, Romania


A complex dome-building volcanic activity developed during a 5 Myr time interval (13.2- 8.0 Ma) in Oaş-Gutâi Mts., associated to the intermediate volcanism of the Oaş-Gutâi Neogene volcanic area (OG). Numerous domes were built up in the entire volcanic region also triggering both non-explosive and explosive fragmentation volcanic processes. The volcanic forms consist of extrusive domes, lava domes and dome- flows/coulées and cryptodomes predominantly as solitary domes, or compound domes and dome complexes. The domes are comprised of andesites, dacites and rhyolites (acid andesites and dacites are prevalent). The volcanic rocks show a calc- alkaline and medium to high-K character and typical subduction-zone geochemical signatures. Overall, either subaerial or subaqueous, the dome growth and collapse associated with fragmental explosive or non-explosive processes, was dominantly responsible for most of the volcanic products. Dome emplacement in submarine setting is commonly associated with marginal auto- brecciation, much subordinated explosive events and subsequent resedimentation. Overall, the dome-building volcanic activity in OG is recorded to a monogenetic-type of volcanism. The series of dome-building events which were triggered and controlled by magma-mixing and -mingling processes developed from time to time in different locations of O

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