Examination of growing rabbits housed in cage or in pens without or with platform


replication) was conducted at the Kaposv\ue1r University using Pannon white rabbits (n = 193). The following experimental groups were formed: C = 20 cages (2 rabbits/cage, n = 40); P16 = 3 pens (14 rabbits/pen, 16 rabbits/m2, n = 42); P11 = 3 pens (9 rabbits/pen, 11 rabbits/m2, n = 27); PW = 3 pens with wire net elevated platform (14 rabbits/pen, 11 rabbits/m2, n = 42); PD = 3 pens with elevated platform deep litter on it (14 rabbits/pen, 11 rabbits/m2, n = 42). Rearing the rabbits in group PD decreased feed intake (FI), body weight (BW), weight gain (AWG) and dressing out percentage (DoP). Significant (P<0.05) differences were found between group PD and P16 or P11 in BW (2841 and 2980 or 3012 g, resp.), in BWG (44.4 and 47.7 or 48.4 g/d, resp.), between PD and C or P11 in FI (130 and 146 or 151 g/d, resp.), between PD and C in DoP (60.5 and 62.0%) and between PD and C or P16 in the ratio of hind part (38.8 and 38.1 or 38.1%, resp.). No significant differences were observed for feed conversion ratio, mortality perirenal and scapular fat percent. In group PD 16.7, 53.7 and 29.6% of the rabbits were located on the platform (1/3 basic area), under the platform (1/3 basic area) and at areas near to the feeder or drinker (1/3 basic area). In group PW the location of rabbits were most balanced (on the platform: 30.3%, under the platform: 34.6%, near to feeder or drinker: 35.6%. Combination of wire net and deep litter floor (group PD) hardly influence the production while the higher possibility for locomotory behaviour and staying on deep litter is consider more favourably by the consumer. The rabbits can freely choose their location and replacing of the litter can also be easily performed in case of a removable platform

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