Endometrial hyperplasia with berrylike squamous metaplasia and pilomatrixomalike shadow cells - Report of an intriguing cytohistologic case


The usefulness of endometrial cytology as a diagnostic method in asymptomatic women, especially in postmenopause, in the interpretation of composite pictures characterized by borderline features between atypical hyperplasia and well-differentiated adenocarcinoma, especially if associated metaplastic features are present, is somewhat controversial. CASE: An asymptomatic, 50-year-old, postmenopausal woman underwent a Pap smear and endometrial cytology for routine screening, disclosing three-dimensional, sometimes pseudopapillary groupings of hyperplastic endometrial glandular cells with focal atypia in direct continuity with large, squamoid cells of the keratinizing type and shadow cells. Histologic examination of endometrial tissue was advised, and two subsequent endometrial biopsies and hysteroscopic ablation were performed. The borderline character of the lesion (complex atypical hyperplasia vs. well-differentiated adenocarcinoma) with concomitant squamous metaplasia and pilomatrixomalike shadow cells prevented diagnostic agreement between several pathologists. CONCLUSION: Diagnostic cytology with direct endometrial sampling represents a valuable diagnostic screening tool for the differential diagnosis between normal and pathologic endometrium, a mucosal picture that deserves a subsequent (histologic) diagnostic procedure. In a few cases, as in the one presented above, even histologic examination, especially of so-called borderline lesions, reveals squamous or other types of metaplasia that can lead to interobserver discrepancies

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