Local strain energy to assess the static failure of U-notches in plates under mixed mode loading


The averaged value of the strain energy density over a well-defined volume is used to predict the static strength of U-notched specimens under mixed-mode conditions due to combined bending and shear loads. The volume is centered in relation to the maximum principal stress present on the notch edge, by rigidly rotating the crescent-shaped volume already used in the literature to analyse U- and V-shaped notches subject to mode I loading. The volume size depends on the ultimate tensile strength sigma(u) and the fracture toughness K-IC of the material. In parallel, an experimental programme was performed. All specimens are made of polymethyl-metacrylate (PMMA), a material which,exhibits quasi-brittle behaviour at -60 degrees C. Good agreement is found between experimental data for the critical loads to failure and theoretical predictions based on the constancy of the mean strain energy density over the control volume

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