Report of the NAFO Joint Commission-Scientific Council Working Group on Ecosystem Approach Framework to Fisheries Management (WG-EAFFM) Meeting


1. Opening by the co-Chairs, Robert Day (Canada) and Andrew Kenny (EU) 2. Appointment of Rapporteur 3. Adoption of Agenda 4. SC response to FC requests for advice: a. Consideration of 2014 SC advice regarding extent of the New England and Corner Rise Seamounts (Annex 13 of FC Doc. 16-20) b. Risk assessment of scientific surveys impact on VME in closed areas (2016 FC Request to SC #3) 5. Discussion of ongoing matters: a. Assessment of NAFO bottom fisheries SAI (2016 FC Request to SC # 6) b. Progress of analysis undertaken by EU NEREIDA funded research project c. Update on identification and mapping of sensitive species and habitats in the NAFO area d. Further development and application of the Ecosystems Approach to Fisheries (EAF) Roadmap, including further consideration of any issues raised at the Scientific Council Meeting, 01-15 June 2017 e. Alfonsino fishery on seamounts in the NAFO Regulatory Area. 6. Recommendations to forward to the Commission and Scientific Council 7. Other Matters a. Presentation: Canada’s Marine Conservation targets for 2017 and 2020: The Role of Fisheries b. NAFO Working Group on Improving Efficiency of NAFO Working Group Process c. Recommendation for a new co-Chair d. Timely availability of meeting reports 8. Adoption of Report 9. Adjournmen

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