Distribution of Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas, 1846) populations along the Spanish Mediterranean coast: A collapse and rebuilding episode


The deep-water rose shrimp, Parapenaeus longirostris, is a demersal species found in the Mediterranean and Atlantic Seas. The study area comprises three Spanish CGPM-FAO Geographic Sub-Areas (GSA’s): Alboran Sea (GSA 1), the Balearic Islands (GSA 5) and Northern Spain (GSA 6). Data from annual commercial landings and MEDITS_ES surveys biomass index per haul (kg/km2) were analyzed for the 1994–2016 period. Mapping the spatial distribution of biomass makes evident its occurrence in all the areas, particularly in GSA 1 and also in the South of GSA 6. Depth distribution shows that presence ranged from 55 to 741 m, being mainly located between 200 to 300 m depth. Biomass index average shows large yearly oscillations, particularly in GSA 1 decreasing beyond 2009. In contrast biomass indices in GSA 6 (South and North) and in GSA 5 increased steeply and synchronously from 2006 onwards, rebuilding the populations to similar levels of a previously observed maximum

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