Report of the Scientific Council Meeting 01 -15 June 2017


Council met at the Sobey Building, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NS, Canada, during 01 – 15 June 2017, to consider the various matters in its Agenda. Representatives attended from Canada, Denmark (in respect of Faroe Islands and Greenland), the European Union (France, Germany (via WebEx), Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom and the European Commission), Japan, the Russian Federation and the United States of America. Observers from the Ecology Action Centre and Dalhousie University were also present. The Executive Secretary, Scientific Council Coordinator and other members of the Secretariat were in attendance. The Executive Committee met prior to the opening session of the Council to discuss the provisional agenda and plan of work. The Council was called to order at 1000 hours on 01 June 2017. The provisional agenda was adopted with modification. The Scientific Council Coordinator was appointed the rapporteur. The Council was informed that the meeting was quorate and authorization had been received by the Executive Secretary for proxy votes from the European Union, Denmark (in respect of Faroe Islands and Greenland), Iceland, Japan, Republic of Korea, and Norway. The opening session was adjourned at 1200 hours on 01 June 2017. Several sessions were held throughout the course of the meeting to deal with specific items on the agenda. The Council considered adopted the STACFEN report on 8 June 2017, and the STACPUB, STACFIS and STACREC reports on 15 June 2017. The concluding session was called to order at 0830 hours on 15 June 2017. The Council considered and adopted the report the Scientific Council Report of this meeting of 01 -15 June 2017. The Chair received approval to leave the report in draft form for about two weeks to allow for minor editing and proof-reading on the usual strict understanding there would be no substantive changes. The meeting was adjourned at 1430 hours on 15 June 2017. The Reports of the Standing Committees as adopted by the Council are appended as follows: Appendix I - Report of the Standing Committee on Fisheries Environment (STACFEN), Appendix II - Report of Standing Committee on Publications (STACPUB), Appendix III - Report of Standing Committee on Research Coordination (STACREC), and Appendix IV - Report of Standing Committee on Fisheries Science (STACFIS). The Agenda, List of Research (SCR) and Summary (SCS) Documents, and List of Representatives, Advisers and Experts, are given in Appendix V-VII. The Council’s considerations on the Standing Committee Reports, and other matters addressed by the Council follow in Sections II-XV

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