The CARIMED (CARbon IN the MEDiterranean Sea) data synthesis initiative: overview and quality control procedures


posterIn this work we present the data synthesis project CARIMED (CARbon in the MEDiterranean Sea), we aim to create a uniformly formatted consistent quality controlled public database for carbon relevant variables from hydrographic cruises covering the whole water column and the different basins in the MedSea. Both primary and secondary quality control (QC) of the data has been performed following the experience gathered in CARINA and GLODAPv2. The motivation for this initiative stemmed from two CIESM (Mediterranean Science Commission) workshops, the first one in Menton (France) October 2008 (CIESM, 2008) focused on the impact of OA on biological, chemical and physical systems in the MedSea, and the second one in Supetar (Croatia) May 2011 (CIESM, 2012) focused on designing the Mediterranean Sea repeat hydrography program (MED-SHIP). The unresolved issues regarding the CO2 system in the MedSea were summarized in Malanotte-Rizzoli et al. (Oc Sc, 2014), one of them the temporal and spatial variability of the interior CO2 system, clearly justifies the need for CARIMED. Independently two projects focused on compiling CO2 water column data in the MedSea, an initiative within the EU MedSeA project (Gemayel et al., ESD 2015) called MEDICA (T. Lovato personal communication) and the one here presented lead by the Spanish IEO and partially funded by SanLeón-Bartolomé 's PhD project. We hope a product like this will be much welcome by the oceanographic community, both observationist and modellers, as it was the release of the Meteor cruise M84/3 data in CDIAC used in several publications (Palmieri et al., BG 2015; Cossarini et al., BG 2015; Hassoun et al., DSR 2015 & JWROS 2015; Lovato & Vichi, DSR 2015; Gemayel et al., ESD 2015)

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