It has been demonstrated at least in the Murcia area, that the captive ABFT (Thunnus thynnus) for fattening activities reproduce actively in the farming cages in the natural spawning season (early June – middle July). Tens of millions of fertilized eggs coming from these cages had been collected in the last years and cultured in the facilities of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) in Mazarrón (Murcia, SE Spain) and grown up to juveniles, demonstrating as well their viability. Taking into account that an ABFT female could spawn roughly hundred thousands of eggs per kg during all the spawning season and thousands of tones of ABFT adults have been farmed in the Murcia coast during the last years, the total fertilized eggs could reach hundreds of billions every year. Obviously the conditions in the Murcia coast are different of the natural spawning areas not only regarding the feeding availability but also the massive presence of many egg and larvae predators. It would be recommendable to carry out prospecting surveys in the aim to shed some light on this possible effect of farmed ABFT on the recruitment at least in Murcia