Weight-length relationships, weight conversion factors and condition factor trends for two stocks of black anglerfish (Lophius budegassa) in southern Bay of Biscay, Galician waters and northern Atlantic areas from a decade


The weight-length relationship has a wide application in fish biology and fisheries management, such as for predicting weight from length data, or for the calculation of production and biomass of a fish stock. Weight-length relationship, weight conversion factors and condition factor are presented from a decade (2006 to 2015) for both stocks of black anglerfish (Lophius budegassa) in southern Bay of Biscay and Galician waters (ICES Div. VIIIc-IXa, southern stock) and in Celtic Seas (ICES Div. VIIb,c,h,j,k, northern stock). A total of 2035 and 1263 specimens were sampled respectively in each stock from commercial landings and research surveys. Total length [Lt (cm)], total weight [Wt (g)], “commercial” weight (gutted with liver) [Wgl (g)] and “scientific” weight (gutted without liver) [Wg (g)] were obtained. The weight-length relationships for the combined sexes were: Lt = 0.020 Wt2.916; Lt = 0.017 Wgl2.929; Lt = 0.017 Wg2.922 in Div. VIIIc-IXa, and Lt = 0.025 Wt2.841; Lt = 0.013 Wgl2.984; Lt = 0.013 Wg2.971 in Div. VIIb,c,h,j,k. These updated values can be used in the annual assessment of the state of both stocks in the ICES working group, replacing those previous estimated more than a decade ago. The conversion factor (total weight - gutted weight) here estimated is also useful in fisheries management due to the commercial landings of this species are available in gutted weight. The evolution of the condition factor along the year, indicator of nutritional status evolution, is estimated and can be a proxy for estimating the spawning season. Its evolution is studied throughout the year for immature and mature individuals of each sex. The results are similar to the previously estimated in other studies

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