[Revascularized jejunum loop in hypopharyngeal reconstruction: oncological and functional results].


The aggressiveness of hypopharyngeal cancer makes broad resectioning of the circular pharyngolaryngoesophageal segments necessary, followed by reconstruction to restore the anatomical gap created as fully as possibly creating a neoesophagus with thin walls that can easily be released. Over the years several procedures have been fine tuned for reconstruction of the upper digestive tract employing transposed viscera, miocutaneous pedunculated flaps, revascularized fascio-cutaneous or visceral free flaps. Currently the revascularized jejunum loop is one of the most commonly used methods in the reconstruction of the hypopharynx. Its popularity is due to some anatomical and physiological advantages: it requires transposition of a brief intestinal tract anatomically well adapted to the reconstruction site, ensuring rapid functional recovery. The authors report the oncological and functional results obtained in 25 patients who underwent circular pharyngolaryngectomy followed by reconstruction with a revascularized jejunum loop. The percentage of transplant survival was 90% and local and general complications were reduced to a minimum. The functional results--both in terms of deglutition and phonation--were satisfactory while patient survival (6-37 months follow-up) was in line with that reported by other authors for the same tumor (47%). Although prognosis for hypopharyngeal-esophageal neoplasms is still quite poor, this experience shows that circular pharyngolaryngectomy followed by reconstruction with autotransplant of the jejunum is an excellent choice since it offers the patient a prompt, acceptable functional recovery and a fair quality for his remaining life

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