Do western Atlantic bluefin tuna spawn outside of the Gulf of Mexico? Results from a larval survey in the Atlantic Ocean in 2013


In 2013, a larval survey was conducted north and east of the Bahamas aboard the NOAA Ship NANCY FOSTER. Sampling areas were selected based on larval habitat model predictions, and daily satellite analysis of surface temperature and ocean color. Samples were collected at 97 stations, and 18 larval BFT (Thunnus thynnus) were found at 9 stations. Six of these stations came from oceanographically complex regions characterized by cyclonic and anticyclonic gyres. Larvae ranged in size from 3.22mm to 7.58 mm, corresponding to approximately 5-12 days in age. Analysis of satellite derived surface currents and CTD data suggest that these larvae were spawned and retained in this area. Larval habitat models show areas of high predicted abundance extending east to 650 W, but the actual extent of spawning in this area remains unknown.En prens

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