Gender structures in forestry organisations. Par. 1.9 Italy.


On the basis of the available official data and of a preliminary ad hoc survey conducted in 2003 at national level, the paper presents the situation women are facing in the forestry sector in Italy in terms of number, employment conditions and perspectives for the future. The main problems \u2013 lower wages, low participation in decision- making and in power positions, preconceptions, etc. \u2013 are common to those outlined by specific studies or initiatives carried out in other countries (Croatia, France, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, among others). However, in the near future, Italian women are expected to enter forestry professions at all levels in increasing numbers, acting as forestry workers, private and public forest companies\u2019 managers, experts and technical advisers, officers and agents of the paramilitary State Forestry Corp (Corpo Forestale dello Stato), and to demand their role, specific contribution and attitude to be more recognized. Social as well as forestry policies and strategies have to take into account this issue, which is part of broader changes throughout the forestry sector

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