
Il boom del Distretto del Prosecco: immagine dell'utilit\ue0 dell'inutile tra austerit\ue0 e ripresa


The industrial districts have given rise to a variety of biocultural paths, but in the post-industrial era these are continuously threatened by the trend towards product standardisation. Despite this, local districts are able to survive, albeit in a weakened state, with two possible effects: A) the risk of fading; B) the desirability of resilience. The Biocultural fingerprint of the Prosecco District (placed 3rd in the Intesa San Paolo ranking of Italian districts for 2008-2011) reveals that its clusters of municipalities are characterised by agricultural and eno-gastronomic excellence in both rural and urban contexts. Meanwhile, its tourist attractiveness index, owing to its lack of apparently "useless components" such as nature parks and protected areas, and cultural heritage, is relatively low. It follows that the marketing-image strategies devised for immediate profit appear to be insufficient at coping with the competition and ensuring a sustained level of development in the long term

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