Modeling Iberian sardine Early Life Stages dynamics


The Iberian sardine (Sardina pilchardus) constitutes a traditional target species in western Iberia that remains to be economically important in Portugal and, to a lesser extent, in Galicia (NW Spain). The time series of recruitment shows ups and downs in the last decades. According to the ICES Advice 2013 for regions VIII and IXa, the biomass of age 1 sardine and older has decreased since 2006 and recruitment has been below the long term average since 2005. In order to understand these fluctuations, a Lagrangian model to simulate sardine Early Life Stages (ELS), this is, egg and larvae stages, has been set up. The results of a high resolution hydrodynamic model for North and Northwest Iberia have been used as an input of the Lagrangian model Ichthyop (Lett et al., (2008)) to simulate ELS advection and dispersion. Ichthyop has been adapted to sardine by including some biological behavior. A biogeochemical model coupled to the hydrodynamic model was also used to get some insight on recruitment for years 2006 2007

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