Análisis de los resultados de las Campañas de marcado de Atún rojo (Thunnus thynnus) del “Tagging GBYP-ICCAT 3ª Fase realizadas en el Golfo de León y Estrecho de Gibraltar durante 2011-12


In the Gulf of Lion Campaign 109 bluefin were tagged with conventional tags measuring between 74 cm and 108 cm fork length (LH). Five of these specimens had an electronic mark mini-patt placed on them. The campaign of the Strait of Gibraltar took place from 5/10/12 to 21/11/12 with 117 days at sea with a total of 1,477 bluefin marked of which 1,432 copies were marked, mainly with a double mainstream brand mark, 20 individuals with an electronic type pop-up (mini-pat) and 25 more fish with internal electronic tags. The tagged fish measured between 70 cm and 130 cm fork length (LH). Likewise, the biological samples which were scheduled were obtained for more than 40 samples of bluefin tuna of all sizes.Postprin

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